Restaurant Spotlight: Pizza Grace


Restaurant Spotlight: Pizza Grace

Lucas Ramirez got to sit and chat with chef Ryan Westover, Founder and Head Chef of Pizza Grace. Chef Ryan strives to provide a delicious meal that brings together local flavors, unique taste, and leaves you feeling the "Grace" of his work.

In Chef Ryan’s words on the Pizza Grace website, “Grace” has many meanings. pizza GRACE was created in order to bring those meanings to life. Grace, simple elegance and refinement of movement, this is our approach to cooking and baking. Grace, courteous goodwill, this is our approach to hospitality. Grace, a divinely given blessing, this is our view of pizza, bread, and our local farms and producers. Grace, a short prayer of thanks said before a meal, this is the spirit of pizza GRACE, gratitude.”

BDA Farm is honored that our food can help foster that hospitality and bless the patrons that support Pizza Grace!

Check out the video Lucas put together from his trip!


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