Sweet & Spicy Caramelized Pork with Rice

Raw BDA Pastured Boston Butt


If you don’t like spicy, no problem. Simply leave out the red pepper flakes for this recipe and you will have delicious BDA honey caramelized Pork.

Sweet & Spicy Caramelized Pork with Rice


  • 2 lbs BDA Pastured Boston Butt

  • ½ yellow onion diced

  • 5 cloves garlic minced

  • 3 Tbs. BDA Raw Honey

  • 1 cup water (slowly add up to 2 cups total if needed)

  • 2 Tbs. fish sauce

  • olive oil

  • Cooked rice

  • Green onions for garnishing


  1. Dice the onion and mince garlic. Cube the BDA Boston Butt. Heat olive oil in a large skillet.

  2. Cook onions, garlic, and pork until meat is well browned.

  3. Add water, soy sauce, BDA Honey, fish sauce, and bring to a low boil.

  4. Simmer for the next 30 minutes up to an hour. Until almost all the liquid in the skillet has become thick, caramelized sauce.

  5. Serve the caramelized BDA Boston Butt over rice. Garnish with green onions.

  6. Enjoy!

